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Cast iron radiator points determine the inevitabil

Time:2018-11-16 10:56:52 Hits:1188 次 From:LuoYang Xinsheng Radiator Manufacturing Co.,Ltd
  Cast iron radiators have been widely used in the past few decades and have almost monopolized the entire heating market. Many advantages have been proven in practice: such as safety and reliability, long service life, and suitability for various water qualities. These advantages have been recognized by consumers.

   In recent years, cast iron radiators have continuously launched new products. The most prominent one is the cast iron column airfoil radiator. This product has been widely used in the construction industry for its beautiful appearance, good heat rate and high pressure bearing. At present, the market has a certain proportion. The improvement and improvement of the production process of cast iron radiators, such as the research on the process of non-sticky sand in the inner cavity, and the process treatment of the appearance. The advanced hot-box resin sand core-making process is adopted to improve the core-making precision and the tensile and compressive strength of the sand core. The surface of the sand core is smooth and dense, and the collapse and falling sand are clean when demolding. The new product point is that there is no residual sticky sand in the inner cavity of the radiator, which fully meets the instrument requirements of the household heat metering heating system. Sandblasting or polishing of the outer surface of the casting, and the spraying process of the outer surface of the product have changed the appearance.

  With the development and construction of new urbanization, the improvement of people's decoration of the living environment, the development of heating technology and the diversification of heating methods, the proportion of cast iron radiators in the market has dropped significantly in recent years. On the other hand, due to the rise in the price of raw materials for cast iron radiators and the survival of the fittest in market competition, some cast iron radiator companies have been eliminated, and the total supply of cast iron radiators is decreasing. Especially after the old models of round wing, long wing and 813 cast iron radiators are eliminated and prohibited from being used, there is still a good market development space for new and high-quality high-quality cast iron radiators.

   Regarding the use of cast iron radiators in developed countries, some people are keen to talk about the use of cast iron radiators, which means that cast iron radiators are outdated products. This is not the case. Some developed companies use cast iron radiators but no longer produce cast iron radiators, but because of the stricter production costs and environmental protection requirements, they are mainly imported by developing companies. Cast iron radiators are very expensive in the European market, and even become a luxury product, which greatly reduces the amount of use.

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